Captain Marvel does NOT have plot holes in regards to the greater MCU.

My problem with Captain Marvel isn't plot holes. It's casting. This is the first time the MCU has bungled a casting decision. But (despite being a woman), I am called sexist for not liking Brie Larson as Captain Marvel.

It has nothing to do with the "smile more" drama. She just doesn't deliver her lines well. She used the same tone of voice and facial expression to apologize for hunting refugees (hopefully that is vague enough to not need a spoiler tag) as she used when talking on the phone with her commander at one point. Or to talk to an old friend, or a particularly high ranking member of her society.

She simply lacked range, and came across as whiney. I was hoping for a performance similar to Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. Vulnerable when that is appropriate, but strong otherwise. Brie Larson is not at that level. Maybe in a few years, when she has matured a bit.

/r/marvelstudios Thread