Carbonara log "cake"

It's probably just me, but the final product seems reminiscent of those Happy Homemaker "thrifty ways to use leftovers" recipes from women's magazines and housekeeping hints magazine columns.

"25 Exciting Ways to Use Stale Bread!"

No. 14: flatten the slices, line them up on a cookie sheet, spread with sour cream, add some quickly crisped bits of bacon (Suzy Says: Leftover ham is good for this, too!), then roll it up, dust with parmesan, and bake until golden. Watch your ladies' brunch eat it up and beg for more!

I mean, it's just bread, people. If you want to glorify bread and elevate it beyond a a mere staple, you need to do more to it than just spread it with some slightly bland spreadable dairy product and add bacon bits and parmesan.

P.S. Plopping a soft-boiled egg yolk on top in no way constitutes "Carbonara".

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