Career Change > Real Estate

I'm not a realtor, just cautioning that the grass is always greener and to keep in mind you might be miserable in real estate too, minus the steady paycheck to soften the blow. According to glassdoor, the average realtor income for Utah is around $70k. Are you going to be okay with that drop, on top of potentially not making anything for 6-12+ months when you start up? Have you pinpointed exactly what you hate about corporate America and made sure it doesn't exist in real estate? The sub's post history has several threads where this question has been answered. This one brings up a good point about needing to be available 24/7 and the impact of that on your private life.

Our agent said she's getting reamed by this market and can't wait for it to calm down. She's an amazing realtor but all this drama is happening that's out of her control (and will be out of yours) like people backing out of contracts at last second and not caring about legal threats. That's part of selling real estate even when the market isn't on fire. In your current position I'm sure you have some sort of control over your supervised teams because they know they'll have consequences if they sabotage a deal.

/r/RealEstate Thread