Carl Sagan Remembers Old Earth's Location.

OK, let's clear up some things, because some of you guys might not know this. The overwhelming majority of stars we can see with the naked eye in the night sky are less than 1000 light-years away. Altering Earth's position in the galaxy in the manner you folks think it was altered, moving it to another arm of the galaxy, would change the sky in ways that would make it virtually unrecognisable. And that is not what we observe. Constellations are the same as we know them.

As others mentioned it, the apparent change is only a sign of our better understanding of the galaxy. We now mapped it better than before and we can determine our position with a higher degree of accuracy. Also, the Orion/Sagitarius thing comes from the fact that astronomers can't agree on what counts as an arm and what counts as a spur (a brach in a galactic arm). We are in the Orion Arm, between the Sagittarius and Perseus arms. Some consider Orion an entirely separate arm while others consider it a part of the Sagittarius Arm while others place it in the Perseus Arm.

/r/MandelaEffect Thread