Carpe Diem no matter what you are doing.

I wanted somewhere to insert my input on this thread, this seemed like a good place. I’m a dishwasher that is currently on my way to becoming bartender. It started when I had no dishes I’d start fry cooking and then I was recognized as a multi-faceted employee who could fill in where he was needed reliably. Soon I got a raise, and told that I’m next in line for bartending. Since then I’ve been barbacking to learn the ropes, but the reason they wanted to hire me as a bartender is the first night I worked barback we had a DJ and a 300 person birthday party all night. By the end of the night I was pouring people drinks and I had just been in the kitchen the whole time previously.

Even if you don’t plan on staying, if you apply yourself you’ll get better shit to put on your job applications in the future by being promoted.

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