A Case Against Marijuana

Regardless of legality, stay away from the crap. I've had a close knit group of friends since middle to high school, and none of them are the same people they were before they picked it up. They all claim it makes them better, calm, more focused, etc, but really they are hollow shells, undriven, and lazy. Before they were mustangs, nothing could stop them, it's just very sad to see, and very little different from the same zombie antidepressants turn you into. One of them even seems to be developing a mental disorder, which he claims pot "helps with" even though it caused it to begin with. Yeah God made weed, but he also made hemlock, you dont eat anything he put on earth, it was never meant for us, liverals only want us to use it to make us lazy Bernie bros, dont fall for it.

/r/Conservative Thread Link - nyti.ms