The case for European integration

Well the post explains better than I can why the EU has to change to stay relevant.

Of course there are other option for poland but I mean the EU as a whole has to change fundamentally, I am very pro EU but it doesn't change the fact that the EU is currently run by Germany and France which is not a good thing for a intercontinental Union that's made up of 28 states.

The European commission is very undemocratic since only the current ruling parties of each EU country have a say in it, France and Germany have been dictating how the EU is running through the EU commission, and the EU Parliament is basically powerless.

The European people should directly vote for the EU Parliamentary parties meaning that the EU Parliament has legitimatemacy by the European people and with that power to counterbalance the EU commission which it currently does not.

If the EU parliament would be one actual legitimate entity the demands of all of the European People could not only be heard but be demanded directly to the EU government and the interests of Germany and France as one Bloc would no longer be prioritised.

Most problems that EU citizens have with the EU currently, would through this be solvable. Of course this would and could not solve everything but it would certainly be better than France and Germany just deciding how they want things to be run.

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