Cash Is Turning Out to Be the Most Effective Welfare

Has anyone really learned, though? Because you'd think they would get it by now if it were possible for them to comprehend that working a minimum wage job is counterproductive to anyone trying to better themselves or their circumstances. Giving someone just barely enough to scrape by if they work in addition to that is just condemning them to continued misery. Better to give them cash so they can get an education, start a business, or wait for a job that pays a living wage. But everyone should know that already. I strongly suspect the Republicans and corporate stooge Liberals know that "workfare" is a subsidy for big businesses who profit from exploiting working poor labor, and they just think the poor are fucking worthless.

If you want to make a real difference in generational poverty, put every working class child on a trust fund like the rich kids get. Send them to liberal arts college. Let them take unpaid internships at elite workplaces until they're 27. Watch them earn advanced degrees and get high-paid jobs, simply because life is so easy for them that they figure they might as well--and, after all, it only seems natural because they're used to the best.

Do you know how many rich kids "still live at home with mommy and daddy"? But it's not looked down upon when the family lives in a goddamn mansion.

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