Caste system =/= Slavery

I would disagree with you on one major point. They don't come here for the culture, they come for the economics. My father won't shut up about how much he misses India and how it was better there than here. It's only because we like to think most immigrants are coming for some nobel purpose. They aren't, and never have, the great masses wether from Europe or India or Mozambique are always coming for a better economic situation, job opportunities, land to own, economic mobility. There are a minority from those nations escaping such cultures, but the majority of people have always only cared about their own self interest, and that's usually their economic condition. (which of course, the economic dispariety is probably tied in most cases to the cultural situations. However, you're fooling yourself if you think the average immigrant anywhere thinks of the underlying causes for economic disparities) Case and point would be why the UAE is only 13% Emirati, and the rest mainly foreigner. Economic opportunity for most willing immigrants, not because the UAE is a bastion of ideological freedom.

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