Caster Calls Out Co-Caster for Casual Sexism in OGN Supercup

To those who think you shouldn’t mention the sex... this is a company, this is for money, which means you have to appeal to all walks of life. His wording obviously didn’t work to appeal, but YES being female in an esport scene is a big deal!!

Does it alter gameplay what genitals you have? No, not noticeably (I mean we can get into studies about reaction time between sexes... but cmon it’s so minimal the impact)

You see people mention the “female mercy stereotype” but there’s also the “esport is for males” stereotype which she breaks. I mean you even have D.Va a female Starcraft champion... do you think it’s a coincidence? NO it’s marketing. Albeit more effective than the casters wording.

So he mentions it...good. I previously hadn’t known many female pros (only that Zarya one). Now I do.

So one of the bad parts is... is he reinforcing that females only get good as mercy? That they get carried by their male counterparts? Ehhhh maybe. I mean is she new? If she’s new, I could see why they would want to play around her strongest hero (which happens to be mercy). If not, then was she at fault in other plays? I mean, all teams have weak link, you’d want to play around it. But he worded it to where some viewers can get triggered. All he had to say is “she’s new to the esports scene” boom. Done.

/r/Overwatch Thread Link -