Caster Semenya loses appeal against IAAF testosterone ruling

It's not pointless, it's about establishing these rules before an event happens. Would you wait until something like this happened and someone was seriously hurt or killed because they were fighting someone who was genetically closer to a man than woman?

People like Caster exist, they are genetically different to the majority of women and have more testosterone than most men. If we don't acknowledge that and say, "sure, compete against whoever you want in contact sports" we risk the safety on the other sports woman.

An intersex sports woman's right to compete in contact sport should come above the safety of the people they would fight.

I don't think we should wait until a fight happens to make a judgement on what advantages an intersex woman can have, genetically, over other women. Especially when the sport they would compete in is so dangerous when the playing field is level, let alone when the person you're fighting has 20 times the normal hormone levels of the average woman.

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