Casting absolutely no judgment whatsoever, anti-trump protesters, what is your goal?

I do not support president trump but at the same time I also did not participate in or really appreciate the protests as a way to get our point across. I think they idea was there but they quickly escalated and seemed counter productive and I absolutely recognize that.

There are a lot of reasons people chose to participate, some more political than others, the one that I believe really pushed people to act right away is the fundamental believe and fear that their safety and protection as an American citizen has been threatened. Sitting for the better part of a year and listening to a man make threats against every single marginalized group in the nation (your own, your neighbors, and your best friends) with no regard to how offensive his own words are or the effect it has as a call to action on the people that his platform reaches is extremely disheartening.

I understand people believe Donald Trump will make America great for them again, but there are also a lot of people who he made it clear he would not. I know this was a huge driving force in getting my friends unified and out the door when push came to shove even if it was only to make the point that even if he tries to take down all the groups he spoke ill of during his campaign one by one we're gonna fight back as a whole, and we're sure as fuck not going anywhere.

/r/Ask_Politics Thread