Casual Discussion Friday - Week of July 13, 2018

I know. It's just extremely disappointing to me that I spent working my ass off to get into a good university, have worked through school (to the detriment of my GPA and social life) in order to graduate without any debt, and dedicate a significant amount of time to working out which I hate (outside of hiking and biking). In spite of this, the only girls who express any interest in me are almost always heavily overweight (and as I have said, I like hiking and biking so being overweight/obese is a huge turn off) and have absolutely nothing in common with me besides attending the same school.

I don't hold anything against any girl I talk to for it (I fully admit I would probably be that exact same way if I could hold out for a attractive girl who went to a prestigious school in an in demand major, had no debt of any sort, and had a personality I liked). I struggle to build muscle and have a 2/10 at best face, so my options are limited to say the least.

I'm still young and plan on moving so maybe it will get better once I get out of here, but my own personal experiences have been horrible, to say the least.

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