Casual sex and one night stands are overrated and unfulfilling

I believe that's what today's society "tells us to do". Sex is everywhere and porn is more popular and reachable than ever. Thats tells us that human connections are secondary and that the more sex partners you have the merrier.

Some say that humans are naturally like this and I agree. After all we want to pass on our genes, that's how we and the species survive eternity. I also think that it makes us animals, how you might expect. The logic is very basic: if we succumb to our animal instincts (of reproduction in this case) we become animals. The problem with this is that we still have a conscience and becoming animalistic only voids us of real human emotions, good or bad. Past societies used to repress this behavior. With the sexual revolution I believe we went overboard.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread