Cat Discovers His Ears

According to some sects of buddhism, a cat or a dog is the level below humans (with plants and then demons being the lowest). Cats and dogs are usually former humans who were too "simple" to spiritually ascend and got demoted. Not in a bad way, just too self-occupied and not able to think deep thoughts. So some cats and dogs are more sentient than others. Think oAccording to some sects of buddhism, a cat or a dog is the level below humans (with plants and then demons being the lowest, demon requiring some reaaaaaal hard work to get demoted to, so don't worry if you believe any of this, you're gonna be a dog at worst if you're human right now... in general if you're a human it means you've done pretty well, the next step is becoming an elder being/angel and then True Death).

Cats and dogs are usually former humans who were too "simple" to spiritually ascend and got demoted. Think of consiousness as a life force, your self being capable of manifesting in any physical fofm.

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