Catalan Dub confirmed forDragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters!

We spent much awaited great news! TV3 this October, has acquired the rights to the series of Bu "Dragon Ball Z Kai" (Dragon Ball Kai) and its issuance is expected soon, but I still do not know when it will be. Soon we will enjoy new adventures of Goku and the rest of the gang!

Majin Bu saga of "Dragon Ball Kai" consists of 61 episodes and begins with Gohan in 17 years, studying at the Institute of Satan Orange Star City, where known Videl (daughter of Mr. Satan).

A new Martial Arts Tournament, Goku's return, new characters and enemies are the ingredients of this latest series "Dragon Ball Kai".

The soundtrack to the Majin Bu saga in "Dragon Ball Kai" is completely new, by Norihito Sumitomo, which has been in charge of the soundtrack of the film "Dragon Ball Z: Kami to Kami '(Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods).

Monday 19 October will start dubbing episodes, directed by Marc Zanni.

Will try to take all possible Catalan voices we hear in Bu saga of "Dragon Ball Z", but unfortunately it will not be possible to have them all, because some benders are low by illness, have retired and others no longer with "

Bring the international version of "Dragon Ball Z Kai Final Chapters" with different opening and ending to broadcast in Japanese. However, we do not enjoy in Catalan, as has happened with the opening unreleased "Dragon Ball Z" "We Gotta Power" and ending "We Were angels" because the producer-distributor does not permit to bend them and have to stay in the original (Japanese or English) subtitled in Catalan.

Falta molt poc per tornar a gaudir de noves aventures!

Mentrestant, podem gaudir de "Bola de Drac Z", l'original, des de l'episodi 1, de dilluns a divendres a les 20:55 i els caps de setmana a les 21:04, que inclou la saga Bu completa.

Encara no tenim data oficial de l'estrena al Canal Super3, quan tinguem més notícies ho informarem amb més detalls.

Bola de Drac és cada setmana el programa més vist del Canal33 i del Canal Super3 i contribueix i molt en la immersió lingüística del català.

Aquesta gran notícia demostra que Bola de Drac és un mite que mai morirà, i que Televisió de Catalunya aposta per ella!

Aquesta notícia ha estat redactada per el dia 06/10/2015 a les 18:00

Quick google translation

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