Catelynn’s doctor in the delivery room

I have observed the stictching and assisted in both births thanks I am a paramedic family is all doctors and nurses. I believe I’m a little bit more qualified to discuss this. Being that u have delivered twins on my first day as an EMT lol. Studied the whole birthing procedure and have done countless ambulance rides with active labor pregnancies :) but you know more lol my bad. Silly me. All this training and medical advice and I guess you’re more qualified lol. Sorry no such thing common myth. never ever will you read about a daddy stitch lol that would take vaginal reconstruction to make any sort of change permanently to your vagina lol. Sorry. Stitches come out. Is anything you’ve ever has stitches on came out better than before? was your skin more tight?? please stop embarrassing yourself I’m a medical professional lol I don’t need some money tellin me she knows more than I do when I have studied years and years. Have had countless hours in emergency rooms countless clinicals. Oh BTW one clinical was two 14 hour shifts in the OB unit at the hospital. Where again this myth was debunked by every doctor on staff as a girl had brought this very same thing up. But feel free to keep thinking you know more than trained medical professionals haha good day

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