Catfished Big time cause of my desperation. But what do you guys think about this? Would you do the same thing as this gay guy?

I don’t know a gay guy that did a similar thing to this, because that was a predator who happened to be gay and I don’t know any predators. I do know of gay guys who were victims of situations like this. I’ve even been cat fished briefly online a few times. But I never exchange nudes, and the times I’ve been a bit desperate, I’ve told myself not to ignore when something is too good to be true. Because it probably isn’t true.

Woman deal with predators all the time. Its just an assumed fact that predators tend to be men (not always, I’ve also had woman get really aggressive and mean when I wouldn’t have sex with them). Occasionally, predators aren’t straight, and straight men get a glimpse of being on that side of things and equate it with being gay, because that’s obviously one of the few gay interactions they’ve probably had.

As a gay guy, I come across cat fish and predatory bullshit too much. I get horny and ignore my better judgement too. Its worse for you though, because you’re straight and it also challenged your sexuality. Its not easy being gay, the default is straight in or culture and a lot more than just sex is tied to that, and when you’re straight it feels like anything gay is challenging your self worth and identity. Its no different for someone who actually is gay, they have to learn how to actually accept that and define themselves.

It sucks, you got taken advantage of, but that guy was a manipulative predator who coerced you. Don’t let it make you homophobic, it was purely that guy. If it was a less than attractive girl to you, there might be an inclination to feel misogynistic over it. In the future, protect yourself. Don’t send nudes unless you know them in person. Don’t let yourself be in a sexual situation you don’t want, even if it is to get one you might want. Thats a manipulation tactic on their part, and damaging even if the girl was real. It shouldn’t be your responsibility to not be taken advantage of, its not your fault, but especially with how everything is online, this does happen and you have to protect yourself.

You’re still a straight man, you’re probably just fine with woman, you hit a rough spot and some asshole used that against you. Fuck that guy, keep your head up and move on. Make it a fun story down the road, we all have them. You didn’t touch him, you didn’t do anything with him, you just got taken for a bizarre ride. That could have gone much worse, but was only just a bizarre experience.

/r/askgaybros Thread