Catholic Dictatorship

Haha, I've thought about this, too!

But what you're saying is, that the government becomes a false idol. The government is going to save people.

Also, in order to establish this kind of government, you would have to kill a lot of people.

A LOT of people. Millions, maybe more? So that, I would say, is not worth it... if God wants to do something like that with Akita, He's God, He can do it.

Not what you're saying to the extreme you're saying it, but the Monarchies were technically supposed to do this. Well, they were at least supposed to influence people to be Catholic and be heads of their states and be representatives of the Church to the people and vice versa.

I think what you really want is a situation like that again, which would hold a country together in Catholicism. I don't know that could take place right now. That's not quite as totalitarian dictatorship as this.

Let me quote from one of my favorite books, "Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament." Because this book saved my sanity, because I am also so concerned about the loss of souls:

Quote from “Come to Me”: “One day a nun by the name of Sister M Faustina Kowalska saw Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. When Jesus appeared to Sister Faustina, there were pink and white rays of Divine Light emanating from His Sacred Heart and radiating the entire chapel. Whenever someone came into the chapel for a visit, these Divine Rays would go forth from Jesus and encircle the whole world. Jesus expalined that each person coming before Him in the Blessed Sacrament represented all humanity and that every man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth experiences a new effect of His Goodness, Grace, Love, and Mercy for each Holy Hour made in His Divine Presence. This is how much Jesus appreciates your Holy Hour! You so touch the Heart of Jesus by coming to Him in the Blessed Sacrament that you touch the heart of all humanity. You win countless graces for many who are far away from God to be converted and come back to the heart of their God. Your Holy Hour saves souls and brings many people to Heaven who otherwise would have been lost and who would have gone to Hell. This is called reparation! You make up for what is lacking in the members of the Mystical Body of Christ by satisfying God’s Divine Justice and opening up the floodgates of His Divine Mercy on the whole world. Jesus wants everyone to be saved and to go to Heaven. He said: ‘When I am lifted up from the Earth, I will draw all souls to myself.’ (Jn 12:32) In our prayers before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament we lift up all humanity to His Sacred Heart and beg Him to have mercy on all. [...]”

Go to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! Live with Him via online broadcasts, visit Him frequently in chapel adorations, trust in Him, and pray to Him all day. He will save many many souls through your devotion! Many dying souls, many souls you don't see!

You will know in eternity, and you will also be very happy and less worried on earth. Be like a child trusting in his Father! The best of Fathers! He will save souls! Even with all the filth of the earth.

/r/Catholicism Thread