Catholic Vote: The Steve Bannon I know

I find it absolutely appalling how this whole reddit page has been over-run with pro-trumpians. From fellow Catholics I would expect better. How can you people honestly call yourselves Catholics and support the openly racist, sexist, and cynical view espoused by people like Trump and Bannon. It is honestly very frustrating how much American Catholicism has been taken over by obsessive republican zealots who only care about abortion, and nothing else. When you look at the actual issues Republicans are the epitome of unorthodoxy. Republicans have pandered cynicism about government/authority for years, promoted a hatred of poor people and minorities; and supported a sort of protestant gnostic view that salvation is limited to the elect. I don't see how you can get more unorthodox than that. The dominant view among republicans and Trumpians is a rather protestant one characterized by an extreme distrust of power and authority; by a hatred for others outside their little groups, by a love of simplistic solutions to the world's problems, and by a disbelief in rational argument. For these reasons stated above, I believe that the republican party and Trump stand for all that is not Catholic. And furthermore I stand behind the democrats, because they actually have a positive vision of the world that more closely aligns with Catholic social teaching. I am disappointed by how little I hear from other Catholic democrats on this page(and in general), but I hope in the future I see them speak out more.

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