Do You Think Catholics Need to Begin Addressing Jews and Judaism?

I used to be Catholic, but I have strayed from the church after a few events. I guess I now fall under spiritual but not religious.

  1. Donald Trump has been embraced by so many Catholics. I literally believe he is satan in the flesh and if being Catholic means voting for him, then the church is astray.

  2. A priest in Austin Texas molested a dying woman during her last rites. We attended his sermon for the first time, apparently after the incident but before his arrest was made public. He was pontificating about how the sexual revolution and gay people were to blame for priest child sexual abuse.

My gay friend is a great person, and I dont appreciate literal molesters attacking my innocent friend.

  1. I am a Democrat. I support taxing the rich. I support assisting the poor and working class. I believe is drug decriminalization and criminal justice reform. But the only thing Catholicism seems to care about is abortion and stopping women from taking birth control. I don't want to sit in a church that feels like it is mostly hypocritical Republicans.

  2. I don't believe protestants go to hell just because the church says so. I won't be scared into being Catholic.

God still answers my prayers. Frankly, if he is as strict as Catholics seem to think he is, I'm probably going to hell anyways. I haven't been to church in almost 2 years, but He still answers my prayers.

If being religious means shunning reason and voting for Trump, then I'm not religious.

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