
I’m an American, a gun owner, and daily carrier. I enjoy carrying my firearm. Frequently it has been the rifles that are the weapon of choice in these mass shootings. Stricter laws on rifles can fix that but taking away handguns and concealed carry laws I don’t think is necessary. I also love how people take population data and try to attach correlations to it without any variables associated pertaining to societal differences between those countries. Like, this is the United States, one of the most progressive and largest population of free people in the world. Like several other people have commented the mental health(care), application process, government monitoring, is all stuff that should be heightened. It is way too easy to get a gun. Taking them away is not the answer like I see many left leaning posts jumping too. Discussion, peeling back layers, and being realistic about how to prevent this is the only solution. Health care (and monitoring) in these teenage and young adults (also overwhelmingly Caucasian) committing these mass shootings should be a focus.

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