So CBD for anxiety is just snake oil?

It’s certainly not cheap but it’s also not cheap to grow and process hemp into finished goods. That said, prices will eventually come down. You also generally get a better value at higher concentrations. For example, our 1500mg oil will give you 25mg/day for two months just in a 2oz bottle. It is $147, but that’s not so crazy when you spread it over 60 days.

A side note about maxing value too is if you’re taking a sublingual oil, try to keep it under your tongue for 10-15 minutes for the most absorption. It’s much better to have it absorbed from under the tongue than your stomach if you swallow it. A lot of recommendations will only say wait a few minutes.

As far as how long you take it, completely up to you. If it works, why not continue? It just depends on what you’re using it for, how severe it is, and how well CBD helps, if at all.

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