CBD Oil Curing a Child's Epilepsy Within Seconds!

Please direct me to that research your refering to. You make zero sense! What is inhalation that is consumed thru the digestive tract? PLEASE SHOW ME ANY STUDY ON CBD THAT FOCUSES ON INHALATION! What is buccaneer administration? .2nd: Nope! It's your job to prove its a faked video! That's what YOU said. Did you not? From your previous posts, its obvious your very misinformed. You probably had to Google buccal administration. You started doubting the video from the start! This video is several months old. I saw it 1st months ago. Never has anyone doubted it, publicly anyway, until you. Its not at all up to me!

You have stated several times it's been disproved in studies...but you haven't posts any info. Only your opinion, that so far shows that you think this was digestive administration. Which it is not! Btw. Please prove me wrong u/yzasx20.

/r/CBD Thread Parent Link - youtube.com