CBS News Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on Pizzagate

Advocate of the devil here, because this thread lacks it, not because I necessarily agree.

1) Let's first state that if we go through twenty years of anyone's conversations, we will always find a couple of very strange comments that are dependent on context from either inside or outside those e-mail convos. Context is everything, especially considering the enormous amount of data people get to cherrypick from now. Twenty years is a lot of e-mail for a blackberry person who basically does nothing else all day.

2) The fact that they presumed to have privacy, meant they could say things about even the most violent child abuse without implying it. It could have been an ironic ongoing joke between friends.

3) It could be coincidence. I don't believe thousands of monkeys will eventually produce Shakespeare, but I do believe that given enough private conversations anyone can be dragged through hell and back.

All of which are weak if you ask me, even as an advocate of the devil. But what I do believe is that even though weak. Still, the question in this video is "Why is there no investigation?". It is a good second question, after we answer the first one: "Should this be investigated?". That question needs a better answer than what I see in this video, because like this you can start investigations into every politician you don't like, because there was a logo with similar shapes in a video clip their neighbor made.

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