Cease your existence.

There's a lot wrong with her - she's just frustrating to play against. She has extremely high reward, which is fine, it's just that for every other character that even approaches that level of lethality, a high mechanical skill level is required to output it consistently. In the end, its simply not fun to be a primarily DPS character who does less damage than Sym AND has to have consistently good aim to achieve that, while the bitch just runs around holding LMB and kills you in a couple of seconds. It's just poor balancing when a support hero can easily out-damage a DPS while requiring next to no skill to do so; it cheapens the DPS class.

Genjis ULTIMATE does 120 damage per strike, and he has basically only 7 strikes, so each hit has to count. Symmetra can output 120 damage per second with just her PRIMARY FIRE and doesn't even have to aim to do it. When a supports LMB can compete with a DPS' ultimate, there's a problem.

And yes, there is counter-play to Sym, as there is with any character, but that doesn't mean she's in a good place right now. Just because it's the enemy teams fault that they let their guard down and allowed a Sym to get into their backlines doesn't mean its okay to have a character that requires so little skill decimate an entire backline so quickly. My point isn't that she's impossible to beat (though it can be difficult in QP), it's that she doesn't fit in. Simply having a support character with those stats cheapens the more purely DPS-oriented characters, who can barely keep up with her, have virtually no additional utility, and need mechanical skill.

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