At celebrating a bust

Not the guy you’re responding to- in fact, I’m a very regular marijuana user who seldom gets intoxicated when I smoke (which is every day with rare exceptions).

I used to drive high, never got pulled over or in an accident or even felt unsafe. HOWEVER, I stopped driving high when I realized that if something did go wrong I would never know if it was the weed or not. Sober driving is the only way to eliminate that uncertainty for me personally.

On the larger scale though, think about the pot users you know and how many smoke every day and handle it as well as you or I do. In my circle, it’s not many. It’s the smoke weed every once in a while crowd who will be a real danger behind the wheel.

Think of it like walk lights at intersections- they don’t always actually protect you from oncoming traffic, but they are foolproof so that idiots don’t die. The laws and attitudes about weed and driving may never decrease your exposure to risk, but they do keep other people who don’t handle their high from being stupid.

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