Celtics Reddit Podcast | 2022 Celtics Trivia Bonanza! (Round 1)

Great episode!!

I have an idea for a category/questions:

Category: What Did He Say? (or something along those lines the whole point is that this category is about quotes related to the C's)

  1. According to Jay Williams, who is the first black coach in Celtics history?

  2. Who is credited with saying, "I have two college degrees, four honorary doctorate degrees, and am in three Halls of fame, and the only thing I know how to do is teach tall people how to put a ball in the hole"?

  3. "Ingenious by me" is something I'm known for saying, I got upset my King Size candy bars went to waste on Halloween and thusly believe the #youthislost, I had/have a real "robe" problem, I'm very into "big forehead" chicks, and I declared that every Philly dude "loves to eat ass". Who am I?

  4. Fill in the blanks: "Man, give me some _____ somebody!!!! I need something to eat!! .....GAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! GAAAAHHHH!!!! TAKE THAT WITH YOUR ________!!!!!!"

  5. Grant Williams dubbed himself Batman, but who said "I'll be Batman, I'll be Robin. I'll be anybody you want me to be. I'll be the Garbage Man"?

/r/bostonceltics Thread