Censorship in the media just makes people want to view the censored content more. You really have to question literally EVERYTHING

lol, you don't have to overcomplicate shit. Let's look at what happened.

1--some shithead cop put knee on black guy, choked him out.

2--people rioted. Sure, we mad too.

3--turns out the victim was on wikileaks list. Oh shit.

4--turns out victim and murderer knew each other

5--this is kind of sketchy. Protests are starting and shit.

6--some dude wearing all black with an umbrella smashes windows with a hammer. He's white.

7--"protestors" jump on placed cop car, and light it on fire. like......it was placed there........it was old

8....okay so now everyone is all up in arms and all set off cuz well i forgot why to be honest.

9--It's all a thought experiment. It's all bullshit. You people need to wake up to what they are doing to you.

We, as white people, we do not hate you, we love you and want to understand you. We can look at history and see how fucked up it is.

We have been controlled. We are still controlled.

No more, satan, no more.

/r/C_S_T Thread