Centipedes, why are you so intolerant ? What the fuck happened to the side based on facts ?

Coming at you straight from r/The_Donald

Unfortunately for the folks here... they're on the wrong side of what is tolerable in western culture. Sometimes there is just a line drawn, and there's nothing you can do about it. It was that way for a long time with being black, and being gay, and being all sorts of different.

Things have changed significantly over time, tolerances have increased for many things, but folks are having to put their foot down when they see that we are getting close to normalizing and tolerating pedophilia.

It sucks for you guys, really does... but that's not a line we are willing to cross here in the western world. There are plenty of places around the globe where it's perfectly acceptable however, for instance, in the muslim world (don't freak out... it's true, I've seen it with my own eyes). Not our way of life however, we value our children more (or differently I guess... differently in that we don't think fucking them is ok).

In my opinion, there are two ways to look at this issue...

  1. Being a pedo is a sexual orientation, and you don't choose it (like homosexuality) so it shouldn't be shunned, much in the same way homosexuality isnt (sorta true, but sorry, not going to happen) or;

  2. It's a mental deficiency, like homosexuality. You'll find all kinds of people that want to tell pedos they have a mental deficiency... wires crossed etc., but NO ONE would dare go there with homosexuality... so you see, you guys really are caught between a rock and a hard place.

Sucks, but just because that's the hand you were dealt... that doesn't mean we're going to let you play the game. So yeah, that's intolerance, and that's why centipedes are intolerant of this.

Hopefully that shines some light on your question.

/r/pedofriends Thread