centrists on /r/politics right now: fulfilling their only source of sexual gratification by punching left

galaxy brain sample take from /u/daveyfck1:

You don't make progress towards those things by stoking division within the party. If you are actually interested in IMPLEMENTING those policies, then you needed to swallow your fucking pride and endorse the party candidate. It doesn't matter how immaculate Bernie's progressive credentials are if we never actually implement universal healthcare. We need 60 senators, 218 reps, and a president willing to sign the bill into law. How does stoking division and giving false hope to supporters work towards that goal? If progressives were actually progressive, they'd understand that compromise is absolutely critical if they ever want to get what they want. There will never be 60 senators as progressive as Bernie. That is an actual impossibility. So we need to come to an understanding that everyone can agree to - not just Bernie Sanders' brand of "my way or the highway." The word progressive means proceeding step by step. It does not mean taking your ball home when you only get 95% of what you want, rather than 100%.

/r/ChapoTrapHouse Thread