CET-WED Scouting thread

  • Name: Rumo
  • Patience: 3
  • Communication: 3-4
  • Hero Pool: 3 (I play the most heroes okay-good (apart from very mirco dependend heroes) and the ones I focus on exceptionally well, like Phoenix, Mirana, Enchantress, Darkseer and others. I'm a good carry if needed (not any special hero), but nearly never play support and thus do lack practical experience. I'm always trying to adapt to new heroes if needed and push my skill with them.
  • Which one would describe you best? Aggressive.
  • Mechanical Skill: 3-4.
  • Micromanagement Skill: 2
  • Do you have mic? Yes
  • Commitment Level: 3 (I don't want to become a pro or somehing similar and paticipate in this league for fun, but I take the games I play very serious and focused if it's not 'fun game' and do my best to win them.)
  • Which one would describe you best? Consistent.
  • Which one would describe you best? Specialist.
  • Map Awareness: 5
  • Game Sense: 5
  • Can you speak/understand English? Yes
  • How often do you tilt?: 1
  • I'm a 24 years old German college student who loves to read, to write, doing sports like freeclimbing or biking and most important for this thread: to play Dota (since 2006). I'm a calm person and always try to communicate with the team, since my map aswareness and game sense are my strongest abilitys. I'm able to play a wide range of heroes, but usually focus on pushing my favorites to my limits (top 10 Phoenix on Dotabuff being my biggest achivement till now). If I need to learn/improve on a hero that's needed for a specific lineup, I'm always willing to do this. I like to farm and play carry occassionally, but I prefere heroes with a high skillcap that rely on playing them well and getting levels, rather than getting alot of farm, resulting in the Offlane/3 being my favorite position. My MMR during the last few months always was between 5,4k-5,7k. My biggest weakness is to stop communicating, if I got the feel that the team does not want to listen to each other and going 'ego' all the way, which disappoints me, but does not let me tilt.
/r/redditdota2league Thread