[Challenge] Just fcking DO IT.

:) Totally understand, I fully support defending yourself against anything you deem bullshit, including anything I say.

Let me reiterate, I think it is GREAT CONTENT. Nice audio and video quality, second angle was pretty cool, try lying your mic on a towel overhanging the piano top next time, those condensers are damn good mics (Im a radio and recording engineer, if you want any tech tips hit me up!)

I guess polite commands were more directed at your submission rather than you as a user. Please chuck your links back up, my comments were to debate the submissions, not to get you to remove them :) the community will vote however it feels.

Another user posted this which got me interested. I feel this is a good example of what I would consider an appropriate NGAF video submission. For me, it falls directly between the lines of motivational and advice, while quite strongly enforcing the ethos that it doesn't matter what other people think, you should just DO what you feel is right and good, and just accept whatever happens will happen. I also think as a video submission, it addresses the point it is trying to make in a clear and direct way. There is another long format post submitted that I haven't commented on, because I felt it was telling a story or an experience. I didn't particularly care, but I felt it was an ok fit for the sub, maybe with a revalation tag. Your submission felt more conversational and indirect (not a bad thing), which is why I suggested a livestream. I'm interested in community opinion on the matter, but we seem to be the only ones down here.

/r/howtonotgiveafuck Thread Parent