Challenging the "TLM parishes are bursting at the seams" narrative. My experience and perspective.

First you say this

The way you say "veils and long dresses" sounds rather patronizing by the way

Then this

The guitars, the old ladies singing terribly, the priest making the homily his comedy special, the priest telling us he's gonna "hurry the Mass up" because it's "too long", and overall lack of seriousness just didn't resonate well with me.

The hypocrisy is staggering. I'm just naming the trend. The vast majority of people there were wearing slacks and had beards, or were wearing veils and dresses. It looked like a Mennonite church. To suggest that this church has a propensity towards conforming to a certain aesthetic isn't controversial or at least shouldn't be. If you take it as offensive it's more about your discomfort with that reality than anything.

but to say that the Latin Mass is not exploding more and more with people is just plain wrong.

Going from 0.5% of the total Catholics in an area to 1.0% isn't "bursting at the seams", and again, I'm offering a contrary perspective. If you ask most TLM goers they would be doubling and tripling the overall numbers of Catholics worldwide if they were just allowed to be unrestricted, but I'm offering an alternative perspective.

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