Champion Combos

I have some more for you.

Ryze + Xerath.Ryze snares someone, drops MR with E, does shit ton of damage, Xerath lands his shit, u have ult to finish em off while Ryze runs like a Kenyan.Both champs scale like retarded.

Lee + Kassadin(RIP, this used to be real good).Lee provides good pressure pre-6, allowing Kass to farm up and not be ganked till then.Afterwards, their mobility allows them to troll the other team, and a sucessful Lee kick into Kassadin's damage means nothing can survive.

Graves + Annie.Really good bot lane.Annie hits 6, lands Tibbers, Graves follows up with his burst, bot lane is deleted.Also scales well into teamfights.

Zed + Vi.Vi and Zed both use their ults on enemy mid(it follows them which is a plus), both do a shit ton of damage, really scary mid game and pick potential.Enemy mid-laner has to play like a bitch, because even wards won't save you against Vi Fully charged Q + Flash + Ult + Chilling smite, and Zed W + Flash + R + Bork.Me and my buddy abuse this in Soloq alot when we duo.Freelo.Makes enemy mid-laner rage.

And the last one, albeit the most dirty one.Nasus + Sivir + Janna/Karma.Why?Well, we all know that a fed Nasus is one scary motherfucker, however he still has problems being kited.Additionally, he is somewhat weak early game and this makes him prone to ganks.However, Sivir and Karma/Janna are both very strong lanes and they are not only save from ganks with their shield speedups, but they also push waves really fast.The enemy bot lane will be pushed under tower for a majority of the laning phase.They will request ganks.This allows Nasus' jungler to help him through his weak phase of the game.BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!Once Nasus gets his stacks and items, he can still be kited right?Well, with this teamcomp, Ghost, and a Righteous Glory AND Wither, enjoy running away from a 4000 HP God of Death with over 600 movement speed while you're at 150, a 4th of that.Have fun breaking Soloq.

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