Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: November

Which roles and champions should I main?

Top: I've mostly played (Darius, Garen, Gangplank, Singed, Tahm Kench, Urgot). Gangplank was fun.

Jungle: I've mostly played (Dr. Mundo, Ekko, Jarvan IV, Master Yi, Nunu and Willump, Warwick). Jarvan IV was fun.

Mid: I've mostly played (Azir, Corki, Veigar). Veigar wasn't fun.

Support: I've mostly played (Galio, Swain, Taric). They weren't fun.

Bot: I've mostly played (Ashe, Heimerdinger). They weren't fun.

My role ideas:

(Top/Support) cons - small "fun" pool.

(Jungle/Mid) cons - jungling ruins csing mechanics.

(Jungle/Support) cons - support is boring.

(Mid/Top) cons - small champ pool top.

My champion ideas:

Top: (AD) Gangplank (AP) Gangplank

Jungle: (AD) Jarvan IV (AP) -

Mid: (AD/AP) Gangplank (AP) Azir

Support: (AD) - (AP) -

Bot: (AD) - (AP) -

/r/summonerschool Thread