Changed from Shia to Sunni

To say that Ali was ordered to create the Qur'an in a specific order to guide the Ummah and that the Qur'an we have today is not one designated to us does indeed mean you believe that we have a Qur'an God never intended for us, a wrong Qur'an. Just as if I pulled out a Qur'an with the ayahs arranged shortest to longest, of course that's not the Qur'an. When you change the order you change the meaning and this is why some Shia scholars have argued that the story of Ali collecting the Qur'an in a different order is completely false because then the Qur'an would not make sense. Besides it is a well known fact that the Qur'an was organized in it's order by Prophet Muhammad even though some Shia scholars deny this.

Stop trying to play this game of saying 'you didn't say it in a way I like therefore you're wrong'. Tell me what I'm wrong with, because your 'rebuke' absolutely does nothing to what I said, I understand that you and I will never be able to say things the same way because we have fundamental differences in belief.

Is it possible for you to have a conversation with proof and reason instead of just arguing over silly grammar and words? That's all you ever do.

I am, and in fact here is my proof for anyone to see:

The quote from Sistani:

The quote al Khoei, the teacher of al Sistani:

قال الخوئي : (( إن كثرة الروايات تورث القطع بصدور بعضها عن المعصومين عليهم السلام و لا أقل من الاطمئنان بذلك , وفيها ما رُوي بطريق معتبر..)انظر كتابه البيان في تفسير القرآن, للخوئي,ص 225 ) بل شهد عليه أحد الشيعة ويدعى علي بن الحسين بن موسى المرتضى في كتابه ( الآيات الناسخة والمنسوخة ) صفحه 94 حيث قال : والتحريف بهذا المعنى واقع في القرآن قطعاً وقد ثبت ذلك في عدم تواتر القراءات .. النقص او الزيادة بكلمة أو كلمتين مع التحفظ على نفس القرآن المنزل ، وقد ذكره السيد الخوئي .

I guess Sistani makes takfir on his teacher? XD

And you can see Shia bothers trying to debate with eachother whether or not the Qur'an is still in original form:

Out of all the schools, sects, and heretics of Islam, only the Shia I have seen have been unable to completely believe the Qur'an is preserved both in content and in order. You will never see a single Sunni, Sufi, or even Qadiani scholar arguing the Qur'an was changed, whether in content or in order. You will see this from the Shia everyday, including from our dear brother turkeyfox.

/r/islam Thread