this changes everything

I used to be religious. When it comes to your example about churches, people opt to place money into that basket for two reasons: one, being that they have been told to do so and believe it is their duty, and two: they believe that they will have a supernatural return on something such as the healing of a sickness, debts paid of supernaturally or overall happiness in life or in Heaven.

People donate to causes constantly. Red Cross, cancer research, ice bucket challenges, tipping your waitress, etc., etc., etc., the list goes on forever. But donations do not sustain people. There are millions of people who are starving to death. There are billions of people who are in poverty. What you want is a reformation of society that will NEVER happen. People simply do not donate enough to help in any meaningful way when it comes to things like what OP has posted.

What I'm telling you is that you're giving more by giving to the Government than charity and so is every other hypocrite like you who donates very little to help anyone.

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