Chapter 626

Proper history and proper goals?

The cover stories do a great job to give even the most insignificant characters a distinct personality

Maybe those directly involved with Luffy has them

In bleach NO ONE has them except for ichigo

He's only popular because he is Luffy's brother.

That's is completly untrue...many people like ace even more than they like luffy( myself included)

Don't have so many characters if you can't write them all.

Cannonfodder are needed in every story

No one from the strawhat crew or Shinchibukai did shit.

Actually I agree with you the marineford arc was terrible, but look at other awesome arc like the archipelago arc or the skypea arc. or the Fishman Island arc those are way better than even the best bleach arc.

Except every arc in OnePiece is one gigantic filler. Are they even still looking for One Piece at this point? Or is Luffy going around finding trouble.

Every arc develops a character in a special way and that is why every arc is needed. But in bleach you can literally skip 3 arcs and nothing will have changed.

Deep stories? Why? Cause Zoro tanked 50000 damage worth to prove that Luffy is going to be the pirate king? Or Because Whitebeard and Ace(lol) ended up dying. Oh and One Piece is 'real'.

No stuff like haki being hinted at in the very first episode but and several other times in the very beginning but only now do you get a complete picture of it. The way the world is built there are many things hinted in advance. Jimbei for instance was even mentioned in the arlong arc around 500 chapters earlier. Cover stories shed light on the past and future of the one piece world. etc etc.

Let's not forget Luffy's power ups just beacause his 'Nakama' or his straw hat got hit.

Common you are really list that as an argument when you are reading bleach ? REALLY ? come on haha...

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