
Mr X* was a convicted murderer, a socio path with great intelligence. He was arrested in England and was sentenced to 95 years and after 10 years locked away his patience eventually paid off and he was able to escape. On the run for a year he managed to evade the police. Until one night when the only person he trusted betrayed him and gave away his location. During the pursuit, Mr X was pushed into a corner up on the White Cliffs Of Dover. In his last desperate attempt to escape he jumped from the cliffs , falling unconscious due to the impact of hitting the water.

The next thing he knew he was waking up ashore a strange island filled with dinosaurs. He wasn't sure how long he was out for but what he does know is that nobody on this island knows who he is. Is this a chance for a fresh start, will he put his past behind him or will his sociopathic tendencies creep back in? We will have to see in season 6.


In regards to the murders he committed and the reasons for this I do not want to mention, as I want it to be eventually discovered in RP, if the other character are able to figure him out. Also regarding his stats, I dont intend to have him really strong, this is due to the way he does things. He's smart and always tries to use his inelegance to resolve things rather than strength so if he does require brute strength to see him through he will need to work with other islanders.

*His real name isnt MR X , I just havnt thought of one yet and I dont want to give a lot of detail on here, not because I dont trust the community to meta game , but because I want other players to discover the characters. If I can successfully play this character how I want to I think other players will enjoy discovering who and what he is.

I would love feed back on this character and also I will hopefully begin streaming soon.

/r/TwitchRP Thread