Charles Bukowski has a way with words

There is a trade off to having kids. If you can't afford them don't have them.

Assuming everyone has the education to understand this, how many people have kids they didn't plan on or didn't want but lacked the education or options to avoid it? People have kids man, no matter how shitty things get or how dumb of a decision it was, it's just a reality. Condemning them to be desperate and reliant on unfair employment because it's "their fault for having kids" is just cruel.

I think if someone sets a realistic goal they can achieve it.

Another bullshit platitude. Plenty of people have all the drive, work ethic and positivity in the world but still lack the inherent talent, connections or just dumb luck it takes to succeed at their dream. But hey it's their fault for having "unrealistic goals" right?

So you don't want to have to work at all and have a home over your head. How much is a simple house 60k? So I'm sure you can set up a budget to save that much in under ten years. You have to figure out a way to maintain it, so doing something in exchange for money would be helpful. Pick up your hobby and figure out a way to make some money with that. Watch the woodsmen who live on 2k a year, some land, and a house they built themselves.

This is just laughable. First of all for me to find a house for 60k I would have to move to middle of the fuck nowhere, leaving all my friends and family behind (which is a big part of this "dream" in the first place). How am I supposed to support myself for the rest of my life. You are delusional if you think I could just monetize my hobbies enough to save enough for a house and supplement my life forever without sacrificing all the things that make this a dream in the first place. The reason I do hobbies in the first place is to have something I enjoy doing that I don't need to rely on to support myself. Seriously, bullshit platitudes.

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