“Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoons projected onto government buildings in defiance of Islamist terrorists.” I’m not posting the link, just the title. Can someone explain this to me? Do the French think antagonizing all Muslims is going to make their country better?

I agree with you on this point unfortunately French is not neutral on Islam. I am still shocked that some guys can said that all immigrants Childs are rapist and burglars is not in prison but still working in tv. But that's happened from a guy (far right). Most of French people don't know Islam at all. The only thing they see is the attacks the young in the suburbs that does not feel french in their minds (i agree how do you want to feel french the way Islam is treated now?) so some of them are becoming Islamophobs, and they are more and more. The far right is unfortunately coming that's really sad if you want my opinion. But the more attacks we get the more bad stories with Muslims involved the more the far right will grow up here.

I agree with you it's nonsense for the Jewish cartoon. Just to tell you I am not for nationalism (I mean not saying all french only for french ie far right), don't tell me that their is no other country where those cr*apshit happens.

I agree its on the hand of our government, but I am scared of which hands it will be.

The way to go is to educate our teenage all of them. The worst I read that a young child (~8years old) said that he was not French because we ate pork. Do you see the nocence coming? This type of behavior is to deconstruc, we have also to still learn to our children that no arab is not equal to burglar tha Islam is not hate and so on.... The worst I heard is a guy saying that arab should go back to "araby", saying that they had to go back to their country. Uneducated *sshole, I was ashamed to be french as this moment

As you seen there is work to be done on both sides on the people

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