Charlotte McKinney plot from the Baywatch trailer

If I was worried what I came across I would give your mother a tissue.

the thousandth variant of that joke

I don't know which time you repeated 3rd grade that you misunderstood what a comma splice is

literally a schoolyard insult

Forget grammar, how about semantics? When you qualify with "honestly" it implies you haven't been honest until that point.

That is one possible implication. But you should have immediately dismissed it given the other possible implication, which is that I normally don't tell someone that I think he's an asshole when, well, I think he's an asshole. I normally hold my tongue. Which doesn't seem like a particularly stinging indictment of my character given that it describes most people.

This is probably more important than joining two independent clauses, which I have yet to do.

Consider: (1) "Reddit isn't Facebook | nobody cares that you've been subscribed to anything for any amount of time," and (2) "I know it's hard to get used to, but you're not expected to reply to every reply to your comment | nobody gives a shit." I've replaced the comma splices with vertical bars. Both quotes are taken from this comment.

Side note I am an asshole

congratulations, the first step is admitting you have a problem

any other revelations

Surely you must see the hilarity in you responding to five different responses to the comment in which you said, "I know it's hard to get used to, but you're not expected to reply to every reply to your comment, nobody gives a shit." Also, that last sentence was a comma splice.

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