(Charts!) 2020: a good year for people who retired in 2000!

What are the (most) likely negative scenarios the 2021 generation of retirees might encounter in the coming two decades?

Just want to spitball some negative scenarios to remind myself and everyone that a diversified AA is the way to go. It's hard to love bonds in the present market, but diversification wins out.

Please add to this list: - Economic war with China

  • American companies delisted from chinese markets

  • Large Middle East crisis (nuke, Iran war)

  • Iranian shipping lanes blocked for all oil tankers in the straight of hormuz

  • North Korea making a real move

  • Massive US Dollar inflation caused by printing of money

  • Massive wealth imbalance in the US, and long-term riots/strikes nationwide as a result.

  • Cyberwar results in internet instability nationwide for a month

  • Natural disasters

  • Covid-2029 the electric boogaloo

/r/financialindependence Thread