CHAZ/CHOP lives on and it has demands.

They arne't good demands. They aren't specific, measurable, or democratic.

Yes, something needs to be done about the police. But is "defunding by 50%" going to be the ultimate solution? I don't know. I don't have expertise, neither do the people who put up the sign. They don't specify where the other 50% will go, what will happen with the existing 50%. More importantly they don't say anything about improving policing standards at all. That's the core problem isn't it? What if the police operates with the same standards, but at 50% capacity? Only half the problem will go away, but half the benefit of the police as well.

About funding black communities... By how much? To which programs? Who determines the beneficiaries among the black community, will they agree? What about the other disadvantaged communities (hispanics, somalis, undocumented immigrants without healthcare ...) ? Just saying "Fund XYZ" without going into details isn't enough. How do we know their conditions are met?

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