Do cheaters always know they'll cheat.

I don’t know about the “happy” part, but I’ve cheated before as a way to escape a relationship. I was young (maybe 16/17), with a guy who was mentally exhausting and starting to become physically abusive. I really did love him and I hated myself for it, but I’ve tried breaking up with him, blocking him, hiding from him, it was toxic and id end up right back with him (I thought he didn’t know where I lived and the first time I tried breaking up with him he showed up and smashed my moms window while I wasn’t there so yeah). Toxic relationship, I hated myself for loving someone so horrible, I had no way out and I was scared. I went to a party one night, blocked my boyfriend, and made out with another guy. His friend posted it online, and I have no regrets. Id much rather be known as a cheater than be with someone so vile and miserable. I’d never cheat if it wasn’t for something that extreme, and I’ve never even thought about doing it in any other relationship.

I’d like to add I went to cops and got a peace bond, reported incidents and they just brushed off what I was saying.

/r/relationship_advice Thread