Cheaters are ruining what could be the best wipe yet

Ok OP, out of every wipe this wipes had the least cheaters, hands down without a second thought, and with the changes to the Flea along with keeping THICC cases from being brought into raids, the RMT market has tanked and theyre PISSED, they even are suspected to be DDOSing the servers in anger over BSG's changes since it interferes with their entire bottom dollar.

If your frustration comes from losing gear to hackers, then you need to learn the game better, its hard to not get rich in this game and just buy w/e you need, as well as use your scavs free loadouts. If your frustration comes from thinking every encounter is a hacker then this isn't your game and you should play something more your speed (maybe something with a kill cam so you can learn).

I don't understand the obsession with gear, loadouts, or loot thats lost to a hacker in a game that's in Beta and wipes religiously. I do understand having a great experience cut short my a hacker, but that doesn't take away from what you did before you where cut short while beta testing a game that will wipe all your raid loot in a few months.

I wish an anticheat system existed, like the ones we all wish there where, but they don't and its a process, good thing the games in BETA

/r/EscapefromTarkov Thread