Was this cheating? Also, why in retrospect I don't care.

This is the deck I find the most fun to play too! Automatic loss against time eater though :(

They really have to rework that boss imo. It's completely unfair that you get punished with an automatic loss for building certain deck strat(s) that the game itself provides (spammier decks like shiv, all for one, this, etc) 1/3 of the time - for a mechanic that has nothing to do with how any other fight in the game works. (Especially these decks also tend to be the most fun to play imo)

I've had so many runs where I beat all A3 fights elites etc with perfect HP - only to auto lose vs time eater as I had a spam deck. If it was any other boss I would've killed the heart easy.

/r/slaythespire Thread