cheating is cheating no joke

But...what does that even prove? If you were so sure that she was a liar, then why even bother in the first place? Wouldn't you just say "nope, that can't possibly be true," and then walk away? I mean if I was 110% sure that my friend made the very best cobbler in the world, to the point that I was incensed by the very notion that such a thing could ever be challenged, and then somebody came along and claimed that their own cobbler was better, I wouldn't have to try the cobbler just to demonstrate how wrong they were -- I'd simply say "no sir, such a thing cannot be true, and you, sir, are a fucking liar." And then I'd leave. That's what you do when you really, truly appreciate the quality of your friend's cobbler.

So what is he "proving" by trying it, exactly, other than the fact that he thinks her statement might be true and that he has to check? Isn't that even worse?? Cover stories are supposed to make things better, not worse!

I mean yeah I know this entire exchange is definitely fake but I can't get over the fact that even if she were to believe his fabricated cover story, it actually seems like it would make his transgression seem worse.

Idk man, I think I need to take a break from reddit.

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