Is it cheating to masturbate to a picture of your partner's identical twin?

I had a boss who had to have pulled out a thesaurus and right everyones monthly evaluations. Nobody ever had a clue wtf he was saying or trying to say.

It got to the point where it was reported to higher ups and they went digging in to everyones evaluations. They had to go tell him to stop because even they had no clue wtf he was talking about.

He was like "well you guys need to take courses to expand your vocabulary". Bruh, we are in the Army. You have a squad with 2 pt failures, a fat fuck, a dude who dropped out of school in 7th grade, a convicted drug dealer, a guy facing court martial for being a pedophile and then you.....Nobody in this squad gives a fuck about a vocabulary class. Tone it down.

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